Leadership was a blast

Wow.  That’s almost all I can say, is WOW!
For anyone who has attended a Stampin’ Up! event, you know how they know how to host a fantastic event!  There was so much going on I’d like to share, it may take a few posts! 🙂
There were lots of people – old friends, new friends, and everyone in between! There were swaps, presentations, demonstrations, great food, lots of pictures, a little bit of crying, and LOTS of laughs!  I highly recommend attending Stampin’ Up! events in the future if you are able to!

For today’s share, I wanted to show a few pics of some of the wonderful people I got to talk to, run into, hang out with…as well as the beautiful palm trees!

These are the fabulous stampers I got to hang out with all week:
Sheryl, Lisa, Linda, me

Marsha, Mary, Lisa

And here are some nifty folks with great blogs where I get some of my inspiration, Brian & Justin.  🙂

Here’s one of the *smaller* trees we got to walk past every day!

And one last one for today, this is me in front of the stage. I got to walk across stage because of my promotion, but apparently I walked too fast to get a good picture!! SO, I went back and got one in front of it.
Wow. I know better for next time, huh!

I have lots more to share, and will continue to do so..  there was just too much excitement to get it all in one post. 🙂
Have a great day!

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