
really. Yee-Haw. but first….  a bit of this week’s excitement..

This weekend is Stamping in the Woods, a weekend getaway organized by my upline filled with stamping, camping and friends.  Now, when I say camping, I mean “camping“. with visible air quotes. There are no tents. There is no beef jerky dinner. There are no port-o-potties. There is… a kitchen, in a building, with nice people that cook real good food for us. 🙂  There are real buildings, with real bathrooms, and even showers. With hot water. This is my kind of camping.

<pssst: let me know if you’d be interested in going to one of these future events!!>

So one of the items we need to bring is our name tag. Normally, this is not an issue. We used to have simple tags with our name. Easy.  Well, last time, we were asked to bring a home-made name tag. wow. Time got away from me, so mine ended up being my name written with a white marker on black card stock. exciting, i know. but it had glitz.. it was surrounded by glitter paper. so, ya know. I was good for a while. Everyone else on the other hand went all out and created some amazing badges. This time I figure I need to do better. So I am working on it. and working on it and still working on it. The later the evening got, the more changes I thought I needed to make.  I was having trouble making up my mind how exactly it should look, so I took a break yesterday. I will say that it has butterflies. and sparklie. not a little sparklie. not sparklie like a vampire (cuz we all know vampires don’t sparkle). Sparklie like, a lot of glitter paper. 😀  I will post a pic when that is finally done.

Back to Yee-Haw…   I lived in Texas for a short while, a long while ago.  eek..  However this is not where I picked up saying Y’all occasionally. oh well. I get teased.. but guess what!!  Now there’s a stamp set for that!!!

Check out the newest set released by Stampin’ Up!


I got to see this at our recent convention: Inspire. Create. Share.  It looked so nifty, and I’m pretty sure I need to have this.  Here are some cute samples with it:

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If you too feel the need to express your inner country self, mosey on over to the store on my Stampin’ Up! website, and get the set all for yourself!

Click here to shop for Yee-Haw!

Remember, the special <not in the catalog> photopolymer sets that get created are available on a limited basis.. so get them before they are gone!